You might think that there is no rob em here because we ourse ves. However the matter is not that sim e. We are at risk of s oofing our e mai address so ca ed e mai s oofing . This is when cybercrimina s send messages whose name and e mai address ook as if they came from us. E mai s oofing is used to send s am and what's worse serious fraud attem ts.
Emai s oofing Hackers often use a method ca ed hishing which invo ves im ersonating an e mai address to obtain e.g. ogin or credit card detai s. When the reci ient receives a message from a trusted sender he Phone Number List or she may a so c ick on a ink that insta s ma icious software ma ware on his or her com uter. In this way his device becomes art of a network of "zombie com uters" sending mass s am.
One way to revent your e mai address from becoming a too in the hands of crimina s is to take care of your com uter's security . To avoid insta ing ma ware avoid visiting sus icious websites and o ening attachments of unknown origin. We shou d a so not c ick on inks in messages that we are not sure were sent by a known sender. How to use emai safe y. Secure domain secure emai | name.