We are aware of media reports regarding this issue," a spokesperson told Business Insider in a statement. " We are working to establish whether EU data subjects have been affected first and will assess whether further information is needed from Instagram." Europeans appear to have been affected by data scraping; Sources say that Hyp3r collected data from locations around the world, and in marketing material published by the hotel chain Marriott (one of its clients) it claims that it "displays all posts shared by the public profiles of guests from across our portfolio." of hotels around the world.
Marriott has numerous hotels in the European Union. Read more: Teenagers give up privacy on Instagram in order to have more data about visits to their profile A spokesperson for Hyp3r says the company was compliant with GDPR , the EU privacy regulation, and has not yet been contacted by the Irish DPC. Hyp3r encrypts all personally identifiable information, the company says, and is confident Middle East Phone Number List that the problems with Instagram will be resolved soon. In an interview Wednesday by Hyp3r's public relations team, Ray Kruk, CEO of security and compliance company Tugboat Logic, also said that his company has worked with Hyp3r to ensure compliance with GDPR and other international standards . Hyp3r has extremely high security standards, he says, and takes "incredible measures to comply with GDPR." Kruk acknowledged that he did not know how the Hyp3r data was acquired.

If not, it will mean that Europe has lost its soul." Actor Richard Gere approaches the ship to leave supplies and find out its situation Richard Gere talks with several of the crew of the Open Arms. Richard Gere talks with several of the crew of the Open Arms. This Friday the conflict has acquired a new dimension with the surprise that the well-known actor Richard Gere has boarded the ship loaded with provisions and food. Gere has already supported the organization in the past: when it was detained in Italy, the interpreter participated in a support campaign by recording himself in a video praising them for their performances in the Mediterranean. The actor, after learning about the situation the organization is going through, telephoned Óscar Camps, founder of the NGO, to offer his help. Once this was done, Gere headed from Lampedusa to the location of the Open Arms in a pleasure boat loaded with provisions and food.