These aren’t the only considerations whencreating a buyer persona. Some brands might build buyer personas based on howthey make their buying decisions. In this situation, the personas might breakdown as follows: Spontaneous buyers: This buyer makes fast, emotion-based decisionswith limited information. Their major question is “Why should I choose younow?” Methodical buyers: Methodical buyers make slow, structured, andlogic-based decisions.
They want to know more about how your processor solution St. Pierre and Miquelon Email List works. Humanistic buyers: Humanistic buyers are slowdecision-makers, too, and they use emotions to inform their purchases. ’re making a purchase that others have seen thevalue of, so they might ask, “Who used your solution for their problem?”Competitive buyers: Competitive buyers make fast decisions but are stillfocused on logic.
They want to know what makes your solution thebest. One other note: How we talk about and identify buyer personas worksdifferently depending on the type of customers you have. B2C buyer personas putthe focus on individuals or families. Their decision to purchase is based ontheir buying power.