The reluctance to implement a customer centric strategy arises from the simple truism that to place the customer in the center the agents who until now are in the center must leave; but there is no other option than to adopt this change. We have already defined what the experience the memory is and means but we need to establish what is behind it how to build it. The memory is not the result of chance but is built precisely by beginning to establish clearly – and simply – what i proposed to julia establishing what the client likes and what they don't; what she wants what she feels what she lives every time she relates to us. It is built with emotions.
Emotions that we all experience from the moment we get up until we go to bed from the moment we go to school or work until we return home. through the multiple interactions we have with a wide variety of .panies throughout the day. They are skin. Getting the experience certification Mobile App Development Service tattooed on me in addition to being the confirmation of the change in direction of my professional adventure after having held different managerial positions always related to clients is evidence of the internalization assumption and conviction of the importance that it has to give to the client the leading role that corresponds to him.
Getting certified in dec is the natural step that as co.founder of the customer spirit i should and wanted to take because i know where i want my .pany to go because i know where i want to be because ultimately i know what i like and what i don't.a user experience that extends to other aspects of daily life the key to attracting the connected consumer mergers and new business models businesses in the tele.munications industry or telcos are evolving in a world in rapid and constant change.