Please feel free to contact us. Please contact us for a free consultation or inquiry . Can differentiate from other companies Many job seekers probably first use portal sites where they can check employment information from multiple companies. Although it has the advantage of being able to check and compare many companies at once, it can also be difficult to imagine the characteristics of each company with the limited amount of information. Additionally, companies that employ our services don't honestly know whether their information will be noticed by users among the huge number of companies out there. In such a case, if you have your own recruitment LP, you can promote only your company's recruitment.
Unlike portal sites, there is no limit to the amount cell phone numbers list of information, so you can include more detailed recruitment information and attractive content. If this differentiates you from other companies and clearly conveys your company's appeal in your recruitment LP, you should be able to attract many job seekers. Also, of course, make full use of the portal site! By posting an LP link on your portal site, you can provide more detailed job information to interested users, and since you will be temporarily leaving the portal site, you may be compared to other companies in the same industry. You can draw them into an environment where it is easier for them to learn about your company.

From SEO measures and content marketing to web production and web marketing. Please feel free to contact us. Please contact us for a free consultation or inquiry . Reach the target using advertising Listing ads and SNS ads that are posted in search results on the web such as Google are often used to advertise LPs. With Google Ads, your ads can be displayed only to people who search for specific keywords, so you can efficiently deliver your LP (job information) without getting out of touch with your intended target group. In addition, with SNS advertising, you can narrow down the age and region from the SNS profile, and extract keywords and fields of interest from the posted content.