experiences. Expectations may be high, but AI allows you tosupport your customers and your business, now and in the future, whatever thecircumstances.Manufacturers must move from production to customer experience,thanks to AI The line between industry and e-commerce is increasingly blurred:discover how AI can help manufacturers move upmarket in the customerexperience. By Caroline Lee, Enterprise Account Executive Last updated August30, 2023 GOOD PRACTICES EXECUTIVE DATA CLIENT EXPERIENCE AI AND AUTOMATION LEADERSHIPINDUSTRIAL SECTOR TECHNOLOGY SECTOR . According to someresearch, 66% of manufacturers plan to launch their own e-commerce system inthe next two years. For anyone familiar
with the usual marketing strategies in the industrialsector, this is probably quite surprising. Usually, manufacturers use Chinese Malaysia Phone Number List distributors who resell the products to retailers who then take care of thesale to the consumer. In the old system, the brand therefore does not itselfmaintain direct contact with its customers, and does not need to offer a directcustomer experience. So why this change, and why now? Part of the answer isthat nothing beats success. New manufacturers like the Dollar Shave Club havebeen offering their products for direct sale for more than ten years ( theiradvertising is unforgettable on this subject ), and it works. When Unileverbought Dollar Shave Club , it cost them $1 billion. The overalldirect-to-consumer market exceeds $150 billion in

the United States alone. Why wouldn't industrialists alsowant a piece of this pie? But it is not enough to offer a service Let's buildit, they will come. What was initially just a short phrase in a Kevin Costnerfilm has become a veritable meme: you just need to create something (anapplication, a website, an e-commerce experience, etc.) to attract an audience. If this was ever true, it is no longer true now. If what you create (and thisis also applicable to e-commerce) does not offer a quality experience accordingto the most demanding criteria of customer service , customers may risk testingit. But they risk quickly abandoning it. Acquiring new customers is only thefirst step in launching an e-commerce service. You must also retain them, whichimplies that they are