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How CEOs Can Fix Capitalism ebook dp B DKMUZ S AUGUST REVIEW OF FINANCIAL STUDIES Frictions in Shadow Banking Evidence from the Lending Behavior of Money Market Funds pdf By Chernenko Sergey and Adi Sunderam ABSTRACT—We document the consequences of money market fund risk taking during the European sovereign debt crisis. Using a novel data set of Chinese Overseas America Number Data security level holdings of prime money market funds we show that funds with large exposures to risky Eurozone banks suffered significant outflows between June and August . Due to credit market frictions these outflows have significant spillover effects on other firms non funds raised less financing in this period. The results are not driven by issuers riskiness or exposure to Europe for the same issuer money market funds with greater exposure to Eurozone banks decrease their holdings more than other funds.
We show that relationships are important in short term credit markets so that these spillover effects cannot be seamlessly offset even though issuers are large highly rated firms. Our results illustrate that instabilities associated with money market funds persist despite recent changes to the regulations governing them. Publisher s link people.hbs asunderam mmmf with names.pdf pdf AUGUST ACCOUNTANCY FUTURES The Investor Conundrum By Eccles Robert G. ABSTRACT—No abstract available.