Ian:What role does context play in a translation? And how important is providing reference material? Kristin:It is extremely important for translators to have as much information as possible. If they know what they are translating (product list, website menu, buttons, banners?) and for what (email, brochure, website?), it is very beneficial to the quality of the final text. If it's for a website, which page are we translating? If it's a marketing campaign, what exactly does the email look like? What is subject, what is CTA? With the help of images, design templates or links, the translator can understand the context much better and therefore translate better.
For example, if I have to describe a T-shirt, it is much easier and more accurate if I can see exactly HK Phone Number what the cut and pattern look like in a picture. Ian:That sounds logical. But I could imagine that the importance of images is often underestimated. Kristin:Exactly. And it's really interesting that the ambiguity or inaccuracy of a text often only comes to light when a translator looks at it and asks questions. When you first read it you think: “Oh, that’s clear”, but at second glance it’s suddenly not. So visual reference material is really helpful. Ian:And why is it advisable to have a translation checked again in context? Kristin:Final proofing in context means actually checking a translation in the environment and format in which it will ultimately be published.
This is very helpful for print templates, i.e. in conjunction with DTP, but basically always when the text is published in a different format than it was translated. For example, we often receive the texts for marketing campaigns in Word or Excel, which means that the translators are then missing the images and links from the final email. Changes could then be necessary in the final layout if a word is too long for a button or menu item on a website. This gives the whole thing the final, professional touch, so to speak. Ian:To what extent does the time and work that went into creating the source text also influence the translation? Kristin:This is particularly important for transcreation or creative translation. content from one language to another are often underestimated.