Did you know that quartz is one of the most abundant minerals in the Earth's crust? Not only that, but there are also various varieties depending on their color and composition. Do you want to know the benefits and properties of each of the types of quartz? Take note because we are facing one of the most interesting gems of nature! WHAT IS QUARTZ? Quartz is a mineral composed of silica that has a wide range of varieties and colors, depending on the rest of the minerals that are part of its composition. Chemically, it is expressed as SiO2. On the other hand, this type of stone is the second most common mineral on Planet Earth. If you want to know more, we invite you to read our article on the curiosities of quartzmore impressive. You'll be surprised! QUARTZ: TYPES, PROPERTIES AND WHAT THEY ARE FOR Although there are numerous types of quartz, depending on their compositions and colors, structurally they are divided between alpha-quartz and beta-quartz.
Some of the most common quartz have their own name, such as amethyst or citrine, while others are named by their color, such as rose quartz. ROCK CRYSTAL It is a type of quartz that is completely colorless and translucent.Already in the Prehistoric Age, it was used for the manufacture ofcutting tools,such as arrowheads and other objects of ceremonial use. Rock crystal is the only colorless quartz. That is why it is related to DM Databases purity, as well as with healing properties.and positive energy unlockers. It is also widely used to achieve deep meditative states and avoid mental distractions. Different types of quartz and what they are for AMETHYST This quartz of magmatic origin is characterized by having ferric ions in its composition, which gives it a violet color.which may vary in tone depending on the piece. It is one of the few varieties of quartz that has its own name. This comes from the Greek amethystos, which would mean 'not drunk', since apparently, he was assignedproperties to combat drunkenness. In Ancient Egypt it was used in the creation of jewelry and amulets.and other decorative objects.

In the Christian culture of the Middle Ages, the amethyst was a symbol of the religious renunciation of earthly goods and the acceptance of chastity. Currently, it is granted healing powersagainst headaches and migraines. It is also a widely valued crystal in meditation and to improve concentration. PINK QUARTZ The core of this gem is made up of zoned pegmatites, which give it this hypnotizing pink color. It is possible to find rose quartz in nature, both in the form of crystals and solidified into a gem. Its color is so attractive that it is one of the most used types of quartz for the manufacture of decorative objects.and other useful items, such as decorative figures, paperweights or boxes. It is also widely used in jewelry due to its beautiful color and low cost. Discover on our website the bestonline jewelryrose quartz that we have designed for you. Regarding the properties of rose quartz, it has sedative and relaxing benefits., in addition to being intimately related to femininity. It is the crystal most closely linked to the heart chakra, and it is believed that it could be effective in resolving soul conflicts.